Security groups
Security Groups — A set of rules for filtering traffic that is applied to cloud server ports within a single pool
Main product information
Product Description
What is a safety group, principle of operation, limitations and cost
Cloud platform networks
How networks are organized in the cloud platform: general information, description of network objects and work with them
Availability matrices
In which regions and pools are security groups available
All about the product
Security groups
What is a safety group, principle of operation, limitations and cost
Working with security groups
How to create a security group, how to assign a group to a server, how to change group settings, and other instructions
Working with the rules
How to create a rule in a group, how to delete a rule
Examples of how to configure security groups
How to configure security groups for servers on the same subnet, how to configure a security group for servers behind a balancer
Manage traffic filtering (port security)
How to enable traffic filtering (port security) on a network or port, how to disable filtering
Configure allowed addresses
How to add allowed IP/MAC addresses for a port with a security group, how to remove allowed addresses