Rclone — is a command-line interface for working with objects in object storage.
Customize Rclone
1. Set up access
Access can be configured by a user with role Account Owner or User Administrator.
- Create a service user с a role with access to object storage. If you are using a user with the Object Store User role, the container must be configured with the access policy.
- Issue an S3 key to the user.
2. Install the client
On Rclone website download the distribution for Windows.
Unpack the archive with the distribution.
Open a command prompt.
Navigate to the directory with the distribution:
cd <path>
— path to the directory with the distribution.
Open the terminal.
Install Rclone any way you want — for example, with a ready-made script:
sudo -v ; curl https://rclone.org/install.sh | sudo bash
Read more about all installation methods at Rclone website.
3. Create an Rclone configuration
Make sure the container Virtual-Hosted addressing is enabled.
Open the configuration mode:
rclone config
A dialog box will appear in the console:
No remotes found, make a new one?
n) New remote
s) Set configuration password
q) Quit config -
Create a new configuration:
n/s/q> n
Enter the name of the remote storage connection (for example,
):name> selectel_s3
Enter the storage type that is specified after the string
Amazon S3 Compliant Storage Providers including ..., Selectel, ...
:Storage> s3
Enter the type of provider that is specified after the line
Any other S3 compatible provider
:provider> Selectel
Select the method of obtaining authorization data that is specified after the line
Enter AWS credentials in the next step
:env_auth> false
AWS Access Key ID
:access_key_id> <access_key>
— field value Access key from S3 key. -
AWS Secret Access Key (password)
:secret_access_key> <secret_key>
— field value Secret key from S3 key. -
Enter pool, where the object store is located (e.g.,
):region> <pool>
Enter the URL for S3 API access:
endpoint> <s3_domain>
— S3 API domain depends on pool where the object storage is located. -
leave it blank. -
leave it blank. -
Edit advanced config
leave blank or entern
. -
Check the configuration:
Remote config
type = s3
provider = Other
env_auth = false
access_key_id = <access_key>
secret_access_key = <secret_key>
region = <pool>
endpoint = <s3_domain>
y) Yes this is OK
e) Edit this remote
d) Delete this remoteIf the configuration is correct, press Enter. If not, enter
and edit the configuration. -
Confirm the creation of the configuration:
y/e/d> y
Exit the settings dialog box:
e/n/d/r/c/s/q> q
Working with Rclone
Command format
General view of the teams:
<command> <remote_name>:<container_name>/<object_name>
— an Rclone command of the formrclone <subcommand>
. You can view all the teams at Rclone website or in the output of the commandrclone --help
— the connection name specified when configuring Rclone;<container_name>
— container name;<object_name>
— optional: object name.
Create a container
Only a private container can be created via the S3 API.
Create a container:
rclone mkdir <remote_name>:<container_name>
— the connection name specified when configuring Rclone;<container_name>
— the name of the new container. Observe the rules for naming containers, see the instructions for more details Bucket naming rules AWS documentation.
View list of objects
Check out the list of facilities:
rclone ls <remote_name>:<container_name>/<prefix>
— the connection name specified when configuring Rclone;<container_name>
— container name;<prefix>
— optional: prefix the objects you want to output.
Load object
When performing copy and synchronization operations, Rclone checks all objects by date and time of change or md5 sum. Objects that have been modified are transferred from the source directory to the destination directory.
Load the object from the local directory:
rclone copy <path> <remote_name>:<container_name>/<object_name>
— path to the object in the local directory;<remote_name>
— the connection name specified when configuring Rclone;<container_name>
— container name;<object_name>
— optional: name with which the object will be loaded. If it is not specified, the file name will be used.
Delete object
Delete the object:
rclone deletefile <remote_name>:<container_name>/<object_name>
— the connection name specified when configuring Rclone;<container_name>
— container name;<object_name>
— the name of the object to be deleted.