Connect object storage to Veeam Backup & Replication™
You can store backups made with Veeam Backup & Replication™ in Object Storage.
1. Create a container
- В control panels go to Object Storage → Containers.
- Click Create a container.
- Enter a name for the container. For compatibility with the S3 API, the container name must be unique within the object store and conform to the Amazon S3 buckets naming rules, see the instructions for details Bucket naming rules Amazon documentation.
- Select region and pool in which the container will be created.
- Select the container type — private.
- Select storage class — cold storage.
- Select addressing type — vHosted.
- Click Create a container.
2. Configure access
Access can be configured by a user with role Account Owner or User Administrator.
- Create a service user с a role with access to object storage. If you are using a user with the Object Store User role, the container must be configured with the access policy.
- Issue an S3 key to the user.
3. Add a repository to Veeam Backup & Replication™
Authorize in Veeam Backup & Replication with your account.
Go to the section Backup Infrastructure → Backup Repositories.
Click Add repository.
Select Object storage → S3 Compatible → S3 Compatible.
In step Name:
5.1 In the field Name enter the name of the repository.
5.2 Optionally: in the field Description enter a description.
5.3 Optionally: to prevent overloading the backup server, limit the number of parallel jobs. To do this, check the checkbox Limit concurrent tasks to and specify the number of backups.
5.4. Press Next.
In step Account:
6.1 In the field Service point enter S3 domain в bullet where the container is located.
6.2 In the field Region enter the pool where the object store resides.
6.3 In the field Credentials click Add… add the S3 key that you issued at the access control:
- Access key — field value Access key from the S3 key;
- Secret key — field value Secret key from the S3 key.
6.4. Press OK.
6.5 In the field Connection Mode click Choose and select how to connect to object storage. To connect to the object storage:
- directly — select Direct;
- through a specific Veeam infrastructure server — select Through gateway server and enter the gateway of the server.
6.6. Press Next.
In step Bucket:
7.1 In the field Bucket click Browse, select a container and press OK.
7.2 In the field Folder click Browse, enter the name of the folder to be created in the container, and click OK.
7.3 Optionally: to limit the amount of data stored, check the checkbox Limit object storage consumption to and enter the value you want to limit the memory size to.
7.4. Press Next.
In step Mount Server:
8.1. In the field Mount server select a server. The server selection depends on what you selected in step Account in the field Connection Mode:
- if you chose Directin the field Mount server select a backup server;
- if you chose Through gateway serverin the field Mount server select the server you specified in the Connection Mode.
8.2. Press Next.
In step Review:
9.1 Check the settings.
9.2 Optional: if you connect a container that was previously used to store Veeam backups, check the checkbox to import existing backups. Search the repository for existing backups and import them automatically.
9.3. Press Apply.
In step Apply:
10.1 Wait until the settings are saved — a green check mark appears in each line.
10.2. Press Next.
In step Summary click Finish.