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The object store uses public domains, API and FTP access domains.

You can retrieve repository objects through public domains:

You can get a reference to the object in a public container through a public domain.

You can access storage, manage containers and objects through:

Public domain of the container

The public domain of a container is used to distribute objects from public containers and is of the form <uuid>.selstorage.ruwhere <uuid> — unique identifier of the container. The identifier is generated when a public container is created or when the container type is changed to public.

Unauthorized read access to the container is performed on the public domain of the container.

An object in the repository can be retrieved by a link of the form <uuid><object_name>.

To make objects accessible from another domain, connect a custom domain.

View the public domain of the container

  1. В control panels go to Object StorageContainers.
  2. Open the container page → tab Domains.
  3. In the block Public domains look up a domain like <uuid>

User domain

You can distribute objects in a public container under the guise of a custom domain. You can connect a custom domain at the container level. Get object through a custom domain can be found at the link.

Connect a custom domain

You can connect third-level domains and above.

  1. Open your DNS hosting control panel.

  2. Create a DNS record and specify:

    • record type — CNAME;
    • record name — user domain;
    • value — access.<pool>.storage.selcloud.ruwhere <pool> — pool which contains the object storage (e.g., ru-1).
  3. В control panels go to Object StorageContainers.

  4. Open the container page → tab Domains.

  5. Enter the domain and click Attach.

Disable custom domain

The user domain is disabled when the container type is changed to private or when the domain deletion.

Delete custom domain

  1. В control panels go to Object StorageContainers.
  2. Open the container page → tab Domains.
  3. In the domain line, click .

CDN domain

Objects from a public container can be distributed via CDN. To do this creating a CDN resource need to specify public domain of the container as a content source. For more information about CDN domains, see the instructions Manage domains.

If you delete the CDN domain in the container settings, the CDN resource will have its content source removed and the CDN will stop working.

Swift API Domains

The Swift API domain is an endpoint that can be used to work with containers and load objects via the Swift API. Endpoint depends on pool where the object storage is located.

To work with private containers through Swift API domains, authorized access is required.


S3 API Domains

The S3 API domain is an endpoint that can be used to work with containers and load objects via the S3 API and when connecting via S3 protocol through the storage tools (except FTP). Endpoint depends on pool where the object storage is located.

Only authorized access is possible through S3 API domains.



When using S3 API domains, two things are possible addressing type. The addressing type determines how to specify the container name when working with the S3 API.

Path-Style addressingVirtual-Hosted addressing

FTP host

The FTP host is used to connect to object storage by FTP.

The host address depends on pool where the object storage is located.
