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Limitations of object storage

We recommend uploading objects larger than 100 MB using segmented loading through S3 API or Swift API.

Storage limits и container limits you set up on your own.

Storage Entity Limitations

If the limit is exceeded, the server will return a response with the code 429 Too Many Requests and a message Rate Limit exceeded.

Maximum number of containers in a project2000*
Maximum number of containers with Virtual-Hosted addressing in a project100 (under 2000)
Maximum container name size128 UTF-8 characters
Maximum size of all headers/metadata per account/container/object in the request body8 KB
Maximum size of all headers/metadata of the view X-Account-Meta-$Name, X-Container-Meta-$Name, X-Object-Meta-$Name4 KB
Maximum number of headers per account, container, or object90
Maximum header name size64 UTF-8 characters
Maximum number of characters in the client header value256 UTF-8 characters
Maximum object name size1024 UTF-8 characters

* The first 1000 containers are displayed in the dashboard. If there are more containers, you can view the full list through the API.

API Request Limitations

Restrictions on API requests apply to the entire account.

Type of requestsLimit (requests per second)Message from the server
All inquiries2000Too many authorized requests
GET + HEAD1000Too many GET requests
POST200Too many POST requests
PUT300Too many PUT requests
DELETE300Too many DELETE requests