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Add a node group in a Managed Kubernetes cluster
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Add a node group in a Managed Kubernetes cluster

In a Managed Kubernetes cluster, you can add a group of nodes on the cloud or dedicated server. Node groups on a dedicated server and node groups on a cloud server cannot be used in the same cluster at the same time.

More information about configurations in the manual Managed Kubernetes node configurations.

Add a node group on the cloud server

If the configurations in the control panel are not suitable, you can create a node group with a fixed configuration (flavor) of cloud servers via the Managed Kubernetes or Terraform APIs.

  1. In control panels from the top menu, press Products and select Managed Kubernetes.

  2. Open the cluster page → tab Cluster composition.

  3. Click Add a node group.

  4. Select pool segment The node pool segment will contain all working nodes in the group. After adding a node group, the pool segment cannot be changed.

  5. Configure the configuration of worker nodes in the group:

    5.1. Press Select configuration and select the configuration of worker nodes in the group:

    • arbitrary — any resource ratio can be specified;
    • or fixed with GPU — ready configurations of nodes with graphics processors and with specified resource ratio.

    If the default configurations are not suitable, after creating the cluster, you can add a node group with the fixed cloud server configuration via the Managed Kubernetes or Terraform APIs.

    5.2 If you have selected an arbitrary configuration, specify the number of vCPUs, RAM, select boot disk. Specify the size of the disk.

    5.3 If you have selected a fixed configuration with GPUs, select a ready configuration of nodes with GPUs, boot disk and specify the size of the disk. To Install GPU drivers yourself turn off the toggle switch GPU drivers. Default toggle switch GPU drivers is enabled and the cluster uses pre-installed drivers.

    5.4. Press Save.

  6. Configure the number of worker nodes. For fault-tolerant operation of system components, it is recommended to have at least two working nodes in the cluster, nodes can be in different groups:

    6.1 To have a fixed number of nodes in a node group, open the tab Fixed and specify the number of nodes.

    6.2 To use in a node group autoscaling open the tab With auto scaling and set the minimum and maximum number of nodes in the group — the value of nodes will change only in this range. Autoscaling is not available for groups of nodes with GPUs without drivers.

  7. Optional: to make a group of nodes interrupted and check the box Interrupted node group. Interruptible node groups are available only in pool segments ru-7a and ru-7b.

  8. Optional: to add node group tags open the block Additional settings — tags, tints, user data. In the field Tags click Add. Specify a key and a label value. Press Add.

  9. Optional: to add node group teints open the block Additional settings — tags, tints, user data. In the field Taints click Add. Specify the key and tint value. Select the effect:

    • NoSchedule — new pods will not be added and existing pods will continue to run;
    • PreferNoSchedule — new pods will be added if there are no other available slots in the cluster;
    • NoExecute — running pods without tolerations will be removed.

    Click Add.

  10. Optional: to add a script with custom parameters to configure a Managed Kubernetes cluster, open the block Additional settings — tags, tints, user data. In the field User Data insert the script. The maximum size of a script with non-Base64 encoded data is 47 KB. Examples of scripts and supported formats can be found in the manual User data.

  11. Click Add a node group. You can view all created nodes in control panels: from the top menu, press Products and select Cloud servers.

View a list of flavors in a specific pool

The flavors correspond to cloud server configurations and define the number of vCPUs, RAM and local disk size (optional) of the server. You can view all ready-made cloud server flavors and flavors created on request.

  1. Open the OpenStack CLI.

  2. Check out the list of available flavors:

    openstack flavor list

    Example answer for pool ru-9 (abbreviated):

    | ID | Name | RAM | Disk | Ephemeral | VCPUs | Is Public |
    | 1 | m1.tiny | 512 | 0 | 0 | 1 | True |
    | 1011 | SL1.1-1024 | 1024 | 0 | 0 | 1 | True |
    | 2011 | CPU1.4-8192 | 8192 | 0 | 0 | 4 | True |
    | 4011 | RAM1.2-16384 | 16384 | 0 | 0 | 2 | True |
    | 3021 | GL2.6-24576-0-1GPU | 24576 | 0 | 0 | 6 | True |
    | 9011 | PRC10.1-512 | 512 | 0 | 0 | 1 | True |
    | 9021 | PRC20.1-512 | 512 | 0 | 0 | 1 | True |
    | 9051 | PRC50.1-512 | 512 | 0 | 0 | 1 | True |
    | 8301 | HFL1.1-2048-30 | 2048 | 30 | 0 | 1 | True |


    • ID — Cloud Server Flavor ID;

    • Name — The name of the flavor that matches the configuration:

      • m1.XX — OpenStack base configurations, similar to arbitrary configurations;
      • SL1.XX — fixed configurations of the Standard Line;
      • CPU1.XX — fixed configurations of the CPU Line;
      • RAM1.XX — Memory Line fixed configurations;
      • GL2.XX — GPU Line fixed configurations;
      • PRC10.XX — Shared Line fixed configurations with vCPU share of 10%;
      • PRC20.XX — Shared Line fixed configurations with vCPU share of 20%;
      • PRC50.XX — Shared Line fixed configurations with vCPU share of 50%;
      • HFL1.XX — fixed configurations of the HighFreq Line;
    • RAM — RAM size in MB;

    • Disk — local disk size in GB;

    • VCPUs — number of vCPUs;

    • Is Public — flavor scope:

      • True — public ready flavors;
      • False — private flavors.

Add a group of nodes on a dedicated server

  1. В control panels from the top menu, press Products and select Managed Kubernetes.

  2. Open the cluster page → tab Cluster composition.

  3. Click Add a node group.

  4. Select pool in which all worker nodes in the group will be located. The working nodes must be in a pool of one accessibility zones with master nodes. Once a node group has been created, the pool cannot be changed.

  5. Configure the configuration of worker nodes in the group:

    5.1. Press Select configuration.

    5.2. Select tariff plan.

    5.3 Select a ready-made dedicated server configuration.

    5.4. Press Select.

    Once the cluster is created, the node configuration cannot be changed.

  6. Configure the number of worker nodes:

    6.1 Open the tab Fixed.

    6.2 Specify the number of nodes. The minimum number of nodes is one. For fault-tolerant operation of system components it is recommended to have at least two working nodes in the cluster, nodes can be in different groups.

  7. Optional: to add node group tags in the field Tags click Add. Enter the key and the label value. Press Add. Once a node group is created, you cannot create new labels, modify existing labels, or delete labels.

  8. Optional: to add node group teints in the field Taints click Add. Enter the key and the value of theint. Select the effect:

    • NoSchedule — new pods will not be added and existing pods will continue to run;
    • PreferNoSchedule — new pods will be added if there are no other available slots in the cluster;
    • NoExecute — running pods without tolerations will be removed.

    Click Add.

    Once a node group is created, you cannot create new teints, modify existing teints, or delete teints.

  9. Click Add. You can view all created nodes in control panels: from the top menu, press ProductsDedicated servers.