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Monitoring of Redis cluster, nodes and databases
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Monitoring of Redis cluster, nodes and databases

In Redis cloud databases, you can monitor the status of the cluster in the dashboard:

Cluster and database node metrics can also be exported in Prometheus format.

View the status of the node cluster

  1. In Control Panel, go to Cloud PlatformDatabases.
  2. Open the cluster page → Monitoring tab.
  3. Click Cluster Server Monitoring.
  4. View the available cluster-node metrics.

Cluster node metrics in the control panel


vCPUHow many percent of the node cluster cores are loaded

The average system load over a period of time. Indicates how many processes are processed by the cluster cores. The indicator is presented as three values — in one minute, five minutes and 15 minutes. These values should be no greater than the number of cores on the node.

MemoryMemory utilization excluding cache and operating system buffers in percent or gigabytes
DiskUsed disk space in percent or gigabytes

View the status of the databases

  1. In Control Panel, go to Cloud PlatformDatabases.
  2. Open the cluster page → Monitoring tab.
  3. Click Database Monitoring.
  4. Check out the available database metrics.

Database metrics in the control panel


ConnectionsNumber of connections to the cluster databases
QueriesNumber of successful and failed queries per second. Failed requests are those in which the key does not exist, has been superseded due to exceeding the memory limit, or its lifetime (TTL) has expired
Number of keysThe number of keys in all databases and the number of keys with a given lifetime
Preempted and obsolete keys

Two parameters are displayed:

  • Evicted — the number of keys evicted due to exceeding the memory limit;
  • Expired — number of keys with expired lifetime.
Slow Requ

Number of slow requests per second. Queries that take longer than 0.01 seconds to complete are considered slow

View cluster status

  1. In Control Panel, go to Cloud PlatformDatabases.
  2. View the status in the cluster row → Status column.
ACTIVECluster available
CREATINGThe cluster is being created
UPDATINGChanges are applied to the cluster
RESIZINGThe cluster is scaled
ERRORAn error occurred, create a ticket

The disk is full and the cluster is read-only. To make the cluster work on read and write, scale cluster and select a configuration with a larger disk size

DEGRADEDSome nodes in the cluster are unavailable
DELETINGThe cluster is being deleted

Disk fullness notifications

If the cluster disk is 80% full, a notification will automatically be sent to the account's email.

If the cluster disk is 95% or more full, the cluster will go to DISK_FULL status and will be read-only. For the cluster to work on read and write, scale cluster and select a configuration with a larger disk size.

Export metrics in Prometheus format

You can export metrics in Prometheus format and then customize monitoring and alerts for database clusters yourself. Historical information for clusters is not available — metrics are only requested in real time.

To export tags, you need to get a monitoring token. The token gives access to the metrics of all clusters in a single project pool.

  1. In Control Panel, go to Cloud PlatformDatabases.

  2. Open the cluster page → Monitoring tab.

  3. In the Metrics in Prometheus block, click Manage tokens.

  4. Press Create.

  5. Enter the name of the token.

  6. Press Create. The token will be generated automatically.

  7. Add to the Prometheus configuration file:

    - job_name: get-metrics-from-dbaas
    scrape_interval: 1m
    - targets:
    - '<pool>'
    scheme: https
    type: Bearer
    credentials: <monitoring_token>


    • <pool> is the pool in which the token is valid, e.g. ru-3. The address (URL) is region and pool dependent, can be viewed in URL list;
    • <monitoring_token> is the value of the monitoring token.
  8. The source of the metrics will appear at http://<localhost>:9090/targets.

    Specify <localhost> — the IP address where Prometheus is installed.

  9. Check out the available metrics-in-prometheus-format.

Metrics in Prometheus format

Prometheus-formatted metrics are provided for all clusters. A specific cluster can be found by the database cluster identifier in the ds_id label.

dbaas_memory_percentMemory utilization excluding operating system cache and buffers (RAM) in percent
dbaas_memory_bytesMemory utilization excluding operating system cache and buffers (RAM) in bytes.
dbaas_cpuCPU utilization on database cluster nodes in percent
dbaas_cpu_iowaitI/O wait time in percent
dbaas_disk_percentUsed disk space in percent
dbaas_disk_bytesDisk space occupied in bytes
dbaas_disk_read_iopsNumber of read operations per second
dbaas_disk_write_iopsNumber of write operations per second
dbaas_disk_read_bytesSpeed of reading data from disk in bytes per second
dbaas_disk_disk_write_bytesSpeed of writing data to disk in bytes per second
dbaas_node_load1Average system load in one minute. Indicates how many processes are being processed by the cluster cores
dbaas_node_load5Average system load over five minutes. Indicates how many processes are being processed by the cluster cores
dbaas_node_load15Average system load in 15 minutes. Indicates how many processes are processed by the cluster cores
network_receive_bitsNumber of bits received over the network interface
network_transmit_bitsNumber of bits sent over the network interface
network_receive_packetsNumber of packets received over the network interface per second
network_transmit_packetsNumber of packets sent over the network interface per second