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MySQL semi-sync versions and configurations
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MySQL semi-sync versions and configurations

Versions of

MySQL semi-sync version 8 is supported.

Node configurations

When creating a MySQL semi-sync cloud database cluster, you can select the number of virtual processing cores (vCPU), memory (RAM), and local disk size for the nodes.

Processors used depends on the selected configuration.

Once the cluster is created, you can change node configuration.

Available processors

The prebuilt and custom configuration lines differentiate the available processors. Processor frequency affects the speed of processing user requests, executing complex algorithms and data operations.

You can view the availability of configurations in regions in the Cloud Databases availability matrix.

Standard LineHighFreq LineCustom configurations
ProcessorIntel® Xeon® Scalable
Intel® Xeon® Gold 6354Intel® Xeon® Scalable
Processor Frequency2.2-2.4 GHz3.00 GHz * Turbo Boost mode 3.6 GHz2.2-2.4 GHz

* When the cloud server load is 100%, the processor operates with Turbo Boost technology and a maximum frequency of 3.60 GHz. Since the processor is emulated, only the 3.00 GHz frequency will be displayed during testing.

Fixed configurations

You can view the availability of configurations in regions in the Cloud Databases availability matrix.

Standard Line

A line of fixed configurations with a balanced 1:4 vCPU:RAM resource allocation (except for entry-level and maximum configurations). Intel® Xeon® Scalable or AMD EPYC™ 2.2-2.4 GHz processors are used. You can see a comparison of processor frequencies in different configurations in the Available-processors table.

Number of vCPURAMDisk
432 GB256 GB
632 GB256 GB
832 GB256 GB
664 GB512 GB
864 GB512 GB
1064 GB512 GB
896 GB768 GB
1096 GB768 GB
1296 GB768 GB
10128 GB1 TB
12128 GB1 TB
16128 GB1 TB
16160 GB1,5 TB
20160 GB1,5 TB

HighFreq Line

Fixed high-performance cloud server configurations. Intel® Xeon® Gold 6354 processors are used, with CPU speeds up to 3.6 GHz and memory speeds up to 3,200 MHz. You can see a comparison of processor frequencies in different configurations in the Available-processors table.

Number of vCPURAMDisk
416 GB128 GB
432 GB256 GB
632 GB256 GB
832 GB256 GB
664 GB512 GB
864 GB512 GB
1064 GB512 GB
896 GB768 GB
1096 GB768 GB
1296 GB768 GB
10120 GB962 GB
12120 GB962 GB
14120 GB962 GB
12152 GB1,22 TB
14152 GB1,22 TB
16184 GB1,5 TB

Arbitrary configurations

In arbitrary configurations, you can select the number of resources for cluster nodes:

  • vCPU — 1 to 8;
  • RAM — 4GB to 64GB;
  • Local disk — 32 GB to 512 GB or 1 TB depending on the pool. On the local disk, about 5 GB is reserved for the operating system, service components, and log storage. The rest of the volume is available to host databases.

Intel® Xeon® Scalable or AMD EPYC™ 2.2-2.4 GHz processors are used. You can see a comparison of processor frequencies in different configurations in the Available-processors table.