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Cloud platform projects
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Cloud platform projects

A cloud platform project is a collection of cloud computing resources (virtual processors, disks, networks, and others) that are available in multiple pools.

The project can handle cloud servers, disks, private and public networks, public IP addresses, images, scheduled backups, object storage containers, load balancers, Managed Kubernetes clusters, cloud databases, Container Registry, secrets manager, and manage project licenses and quotas.

The first project is created automatically when you create a Selectel account. You can create multiple projects in one account — for example, to isolate resource management or allocate different quotas to projects.

Create a project

By default, up to 20 projects can be created for one account. If you need a larger quantity, create a ticket.

  1. In Control Panel, go to Cloud Platform.
  2. If you don't already have projects in your account, click Create Project on the section page.
  3. If there are any created projects, open the projects menu (name of the current project), select Project Management and click Create Project.
  4. Enter a name for the project. It must be unique to that account.
  5. Click Create Project.

Rename the project

  1. In Control Panel, go to Cloud Platform.
  2. Open the projects menu (name of the current project) and select Project Management.
  3. From the ( ) menu of the project, select Rename.
  4. Enter a new name.
  5. Click .

Move the project to another account

You can only move a project to another account within the same pool segment. All project objects will be preserved: servers, networks, public IP addresses, disks and other resources.

To transfer a project to another account, use the Transfer services to another account instructions.

Delete project


When a project is deleted, all computing resources (servers, disks, images, networks, and others) of the project will be irrevocably deleted, and public IP addresses will be returned to the shared pool.

Resources will be saved only if the project was automatically blocked and 14 days have not passed since the blocking — see Blocking resources if balance is insufficient.

You can only delete projects in which all objects and resources have been deleted.

  1. Make sure you have deleted all objects and resources in the project.
  2. In Control Panel, go to Cloud Platform.
  3. Open the projects menu (name of the current project) and select Project Management.
  4. From the ( ) menu of the project, select Delete.
  5. Enter a name to confirm the deletion.
  6. Click Delete Project.

Add a user with access to the project

Users with roles Account Owner and Account Administrator have full access to all cloud platform projects in the account. You can add users to the account who will only have access to certain projects. These are users with roles:

  • Project administrator — can create, edit and delete project resources;
  • Project Viewer — can view resources and tickets in the project.
  1. Select user type:

  2. Add new user depending on the type.

Modify user project list

An existing user with the Project Administrator or Project Observer role can be granted access to a project or have access removed — for this change project list user.